Friday, May 20, 2011

does it get any better than this?

So, it's Friday morning.  End of a long week.  And it's cold and rainy outside.
Does it get any better than a cup o' joe?

Why yes, yes it does...
Wait for it...

I will say no more.  It doesn't get any better than this. 

Come on summer...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


In the name of charity, yes, we will play in a golf tournament.  I say "we" because at this point, Kim and I are one person taking up two seats in the golf cart.

Good excuse to be outside, and an even better excuse to get a really cute outfit that will help us look like we know what we're doing. 

Really, our main goal of the day was twofold:  1)  make contact with the ball on, let's say, 50% of the swings and 2) take a good picture.  I feel like the goal # 1 may have been more important than goal # 2 but # 2 actually turned out to be an epic fail. 

We played much better than anticipated--in fact, I do believe we made contact with 100% of the "golf shots" we took.  I'm good with that. 
Kim was on a hot streak and actually WON "Women's Longest Drive"
and I was proud to take home a new Titleist Driver! That may or may not have been compliments of a raffle, in which no golf skill was needed to win. 

Which I immediately gave to Jeremy...

So, in the name of charity, it was a great day.  And I'll even play again.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

sunburns and sand in our shoes

So last week I was dying to hike--but there was wind, and I don't do wind.  At all.  Hermit. 

So I called Sarah, one of my best friends, and asked her to plan to come with me next time--so we made a plan.  Really, the plan consisted of a short hike, just to get outside, and then lunch.  Perfect.  We decided to go to Castlewood Canyon--an awesome state park about 10 miles from my house. 

And so we set plan at all, just walking. Borderline wandering.  Which doesn't seem possible based on the fact I took a picture OF THE TRAIL MAP, but no, we didn't stop to look at it for a second longer than it took to take the picture. 
So we start the hike on Creek Bottom Trail--which winds along the bottom of the canyon.  It's awesome 

There's waterfalls down there--well, and actual water (which I know we don't see a lot of in these parts)...:)

And one of many stops to take the sand out of our shoes.  Really we wanted to play in the water, but in an effort to "excercise" we decided to keep walking. Excercise Smexercise.

So we get clear to the other end of the canyon, and realize we have to go all the way back. (don't comment here)  I guess catching up on life and changing the world can distract you--let's be honest, I'm ALWAYS distracted.  So we consult the trail map, yes the same one we walked right past at the beginning of the journey (by now it's a journey, not a hike--oh, and blazing hot), and determine a route back.  A completely different route.  Rim Rock.

Photo Op...Excuse Me

And so the trek back begins--there's some dam ruins in this canyon.  Pretty sure that's WHY it's a canyon--the dam broke years ago. 
"Please stay on the dam trail"....courtesy of Vegas Vacation.  Chevy Chase.  Need I say more?
I've now picked the restaurant we'll be eating at, ordered the food in my mind, and can taste the sweet iced tea.  This is not good.  Also, the Rim Rock trail--well, just follows the rim--so it's not the most direct path to the car. It's okay, we're changing the world, here, so we're in no hurry. And it's fun. And we both have the day off.  And it's gorgeous outside.  So quit complainin', Annie (please note, we were not complaining at this point, but a small measure of panic regarding the time of our next meal was in both of our minds I can assure you).  And let's just say on the top of the rim, there's no real path, so the wandering continues.  "Here rattlesnake, rattlesnake, rattlesnake..."
But we made it. Yes, this picture is from the beginning of the hike.  Our smiles were not that big at the end.  I'm not very nice when I need food.

But, GREAT day, and I love this girl.  And I'd do it again (with sunscreen, a snack, and taller socks).

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

live like no one else, so you can live like no one else...

Consider it done.  Certificate of completion in hand. My first million made and saved.  Wait, no, that actually hasn't happened....yet.  BUT, I just finished up Financial Peace University--a 13-week course by Dave Ramsey about how to manage your money. While the general public undoubtedly won't hold this diploma

in as high esteem as the 4-year degree which I carefully placed in the bottom of some drawer (I'm fairly sure that's where I elected to place it), I consider this course far more imperative than any college course offered today.  I'm not kidding--I drank the kool-aid.  I loved every single class and I only wish I would have learned this stuff back in college...or high school...or junior high...

In fact, if they did offer it in high school, you'd be calling me Ms. Duncan in the fall. 

So it's week after week of many different topics including budgeting, debt repayment, insurance, emergency funds, investing, mutual funds, mortgages, and giving. You read this book...

and fill out this workbook during your meetings.  Yes, meetings.  Kinda like the "I'm Annie, and I know nothing about how to handle money" meetings.

It's tough--nobody likes talking about finances (particularly me--I really, really don't like numbers in general, whatsoever).  So, after creating a good ol' budget for myself and living off an "envelope system" for a couple of months, I've retrained myself in this spending area and have some serious goals. Pretty sure the most effective part of this so-called "envelope system" for me was not wanting to whip out 9 wadded up envelopes with "gas money" or "food" written across the front at the store, so I just opt to not purchase anything.  He didn't teach that but I can make just about anything happen. 

No, I haven't become a tightwad, I still drive my car and put gas in it weekly (although that budget item increased recently), and believe it or not, am happy to eat out should you ask.  Let's just say I'm at least aware of what's going out now--the beauty of a budget.  Yuck.  Nope, by no means do I love it; actually, borderline hate it, but it's good for me, it's a challenge, and now I know how to get where I want to go and know I can do it. (please don't ask about that "where I want to go" part--still to be determined, and changes daily)

And so his motto, "Live like no one else, so you can live like no one else."  I don't have that one mastered be continued...