Wednesday, May 18, 2011


In the name of charity, yes, we will play in a golf tournament.  I say "we" because at this point, Kim and I are one person taking up two seats in the golf cart.

Good excuse to be outside, and an even better excuse to get a really cute outfit that will help us look like we know what we're doing. 

Really, our main goal of the day was twofold:  1)  make contact with the ball on, let's say, 50% of the swings and 2) take a good picture.  I feel like the goal # 1 may have been more important than goal # 2 but # 2 actually turned out to be an epic fail. 

We played much better than anticipated--in fact, I do believe we made contact with 100% of the "golf shots" we took.  I'm good with that. 
Kim was on a hot streak and actually WON "Women's Longest Drive"
and I was proud to take home a new Titleist Driver! That may or may not have been compliments of a raffle, in which no golf skill was needed to win. 

Which I immediately gave to Jeremy...

So, in the name of charity, it was a great day.  And I'll even play again.

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