Monday, November 7, 2011

Same story, different year

I really, REALLY do not like Halloween. Like, at all. But Kim says I need to learn to like it before I have kids. 

In usual fashion, I wait until October 31 to decide how I'm going to dress, then rush like crazy to find all the stuff I need to have a complete makeshift costume because I hate spending money on a costume I will wear one time, for three hours. And I always regret that decision. I brave the crowds and the disaster that IS Party City (and hate my life the entire time), all in an effort to try to "enjoy" this holiday.  Same story different year.  

Usually by the end of the night, Trevor and Jeremy have provided enough entertainment and laughter that I'm at least thankful I hung out with the cousins.  We always go to Trev and Jenn's house and hang out and take the kids trick-or-treating. Jenn makes fun Halloween food, too.
It's always a good time and I'm always glad I saddled up....Same story different year.

So, in case you thought this year was different, you're wrong.  Kim and I decided to try and pull off J-Lo and Steven Tyler using stuff we already owned.  We did pick up my scarf and a few feathers, but other than that, it's a little embarassing to say that we can pull of this on our own: 

But, I thought it turned out okay, and we had fun.  Same story different year.

And yes, the boys provided the entertainment.  Never a dull moment with these guys, either. 

 So really, it was a great night. It always is....

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