Tuesday, August 2, 2011

train wreck

every time i start a story about a concert, you should automatically assume this:  i'm late to the show.  why does this always happen to me?

 so here we go...

gavin degraw, maroon 5, and train.  in that order.  on the tickets, it said gavin degraw, train, maroon 5.  but yes, i still intended to be there one time.  holy traffic headed to red rocks.  kim and i left with plenty of time to get up there from the house, but we were an hour late walking in. 
we're taking our time, and i hear the one and only song i purchased tickets hoping to hear:  moves like jagger.  and it was playing.  and i was not there.  we sped up the pace.  we are there to see maroon 5 and they have already started.  of course. 
doesn't matter.  we were row 3, staring adam in the face, and a lovely face at that.  our t-shirts read "team blake" although, i'm not sure given the choice who i'd choose to "coach" me, either! 
fabulous.  i loved it.  great show.  great entertainer. 
we were about ready to pack up when train came on.  and all i can say is train wreck. it was so much fun.  he's a riot and kept us entertained. 
and the last concert I went to with this many costumes was Hannah Montana, so I wasn't sure what to think...
Not too bad.  Note the high-top converse.  Stellar.
Outfit #2.  Ruffles.  Really?  I'm sure that someone approved of this....someone.....right?
And on to the baggy tank top.  Absolutely positive my dad has this tank top.
No, we aren't done. 
Sidenote.  I'm a sucker for bald men.  (like, purposeful, bald men.  not George Costanzas) oh, and sleeve of tatts gets me every time.
But then I saw the drummer who's from Colorado.  Oh man. 
and i'll be seeing him when he comes back--it was that good.  and i've purchased the albums, so his mission is complete.

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